A stroke occurs when a blood vessel to the brain stops. Blood flow to the brain is disrupted, causing oxygen and blood supply to be compromised and brain cells die within minutes resulting in a medical emergency.
Symptoms: the most common include: headache, numbness or tingling (on one side of the body), loss of coordination, trouble with speaking or comprehension and loss of balance.
Cause: Ischemic stroke is an obstruction in a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. Hemorrhagic stroke is a weakened blood vessel causing leakage into the surrounding brain.
Registered Massage Therapists may help:
Facial and foot massage on stroke patients
Viana, R., Pereira, S., Mehta, S., Miller, T., & Teasell, R. (2012). Evidence for therapeutic interventions for hemiplegic shoulder pain during the chronic stage of stroke: a review. Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 19(6), 514-522.