Access to Grants & Research

We encourage and connect you with the latest research.

Masters Grant

The RMTBC will prove one time funding up to $14,000 for master’s students in programs with significant research components that contribute to the profession by advancing knowledge through the candidates’ research.

Seed Grant

RMTBC will provide funding for research projects that further the development of the art and science of massage and add to the overall massage therapy body of knowledge and research as practiced by RMTs in BC. Four (4) grants of $4000.00 are available annually.

Student Scholarship

Each year, student members attending a member school are eligible to compete for a scholarship award of $500.00. The essay submission is based on a chosen topic related to the profession of Registered Massage Therapy.

Current Research

Access to reputable sources such as the International Journal of Massage Therapy and Bodywork.

Access to the RMTBC Library

The RMTBC has an extensive library. Each year, many quality books are added that can assist you to improve your practice. Books can be picked up at the office, or we will mail them to you upon request.

Public Surveys

These bring valuable information on the public’s knowledge and perception of the profession. These surveys are an important tool that enables the Association to better serve you and represent the profession to government and other stakeholders.